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Prophetic Word for the 23rd of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of July 2020 - Separated, divided, defeated I see my children separated from me, their first love, I see them divided over opinions and I see them defeated by the enemy. They believe and trust in the world instead to seek me. Why do you trust human thinking, human news and human doctrines? Have I not sent my only begotten son to set an example for you how to live and how to act? Separated, divided, defeated You follow worldly channels and voices, embrace fear sown by Satan and place your hope in your worldly leaders. You kill your babies and sacrifice them in the fire of Moloch and then you talk about my rapture? I will not come for you if you do not change right now. I will not delay judgements any longer. My time of fierce anger has come and no prayer can stop it anymore. Enough is enough. I cannot tolerate your sin anymore. Separated, divided, defeated I sent you prophets and voices who instructed you daily to come out of the World and Babylon but you listened for a few seconds and then returned to the world. You never changed and your heart beats for the enemy but not for me. I will come for my chosen ones, my children under the age of accountability and the ones who are worthy to escape all these things that will come onto the earth. But you will not enter my house because you refused to heed my warnings, you mocked my voices and you rather supported the world then my heavenly Kingdom. I will spit you out of my mouth. No filth will enter my Kingdom. Michael Triple Grace

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