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Prophetic Word for the 25th of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 25th of July 2020 - Born in a manger My son was not born in a special place, a great house or a palace. He was born in a manger as a sign to the world that he came as a humble servant of mine. You are also birthed forth into you destiny in the wilderness, in unusual places, far away from the glamour of this world because you are my chosen vessels also and you are my destiny workers. Born in a manger Born in the wilderness where I refined you as gold in the fire and where I prepared you for your upcoming destiny. My selected harvest workers who will bring my sheep back into the fold. Separated from the world, sometimes fighting completely alone but filled with Spirit and Faith you will shine a light that not many can produce. Chosen vessels for such a time as this. Born in a manger I have selected you because I saw your perseverance, your faith and your long suffering. You have shown yourself worthy to be elevated to my new level and I am ready to walk with you in your holy places daily. You are my true sons and daughters born in a manger, separated from the world for my purpose, called forth into your destiny having received a new name and being able to sing a new song. my faithful servants born in a manger. Michael Triple Grace

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