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Prophetic Word for the 26th of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 26th of July 2020 - How much more I am sending you signs after signs but you are still undecided. I lay my concept of the end times at your feet but you do not see it. How much more can I do? Signs in the sun, the moon and stars. On the earth perplexity and desolation. Are my signs not being fulfilled right now? What are you waiting for? How much more When will you make a stand for holiness and my Kingdom of Heaven? When will you come out of the World and Babylon to join my end time apostles? When ? I am counting on you to stand as an ensign and banner against the flood of evil but you remain lukewarm. You do not listen to my voices who call you into your holy places and into your destiny. How much more I need you to change your attitude and life. To manifest now my principles in your physical life. Manifest as my end time harvest workers. Gather the lost sheep and bring in the wheat into my barn. Leave the outer court of my holy tabernacle and come in to serve me in the holy place as my royal priesthood. Leave the old spiritual side to enter the new level of walking with me in the physical. I am calling you to become Holy and Holy. Are you ready to walk in my presence because I am coming for an unprepared world. Michael Triple Grace

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