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Prophetic Word for the 31st of July 2020

Prophetic Word for the 31st of July 2020 - Open your heart, soul and mind The outpouring is at the door. Heaven will open soon. Be ready and stand with the Kingdom of Heaven. Open your heart, soul and mind to receive my blessings. The blessings will fall on my powerful warriors and my end time apostles who have made themselves ready to be accounted worthy for such glory. They have prepared their heart, soul and mind for this hour. Open your heart, soul and mind The coming blessing will be seen as a whirlwind by the nations but in reality it is the tsunami of righteousness that will move over the earth. It will provide the latter rain. Immerse yourself in this tsunami and be baptized in it by full submersion. Not a single spot on your body must remain dry but all parts need to receive my living waters. Open your heart, soul and mind The time has come when you need to put on my whole armor and when you will give your whole life to me. Stand ready for the coming tsunami of righteousness and open your heart, soul and mind for the Kingdom of Heaven. This is not the time for rest, delay, waiting or learning but it is the time of the upcoming judgements, battles against the enemy and the dress rehearsal of the coming Millennium Kingdom. My Kingdom is at hand. Open your heart, soul and mind. Michael Triple Grace

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