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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of August 2020

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of August 2020 - You are called to greatness All your life you were prepared for this moment. Now you will be born into your destiny. You are called to greatness and you will shine as never before. Move out of the world into your new beginning. Onto the narrow and righteous path that will lead you to my holy mountain. A chosen vessel and an ambassador of heaven. You are called to greatness You went through the wilderness, suffered many hardships for my Kingdom but you never gave up your faith and you always trusted me to guide you to new levels. Now you are ready to walk with me, side by side, into a new level of intimacy. A level not known to you before. I am calling you into greatness for the Kingdom of Heaven. You are called to greatness My scriptures told you that the day would come when you and your brothers and sisters who are also called will do mightier works than my only begotten son Jesus. This time has come. My Kingdom is at hand. Place your childlike trust into my hands and allow me to call you into the holy place where you will serve me as never before. You are my royal priesthood and my holy nation. My blessed children and my end time harvesters. Selected for the Kingdom of Heaven and chosen for such a time as this. You are called to greatness. Michael Triple Grace

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