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Prophetic Word for the 13th of August 2020

Prophetic Word for the 13th of August 2020 - Take your cross Today I have a question for you: "Are you willing to take your cross and be ready to walk in my footsteps?". I have called out to many who claim to be saved and say that they love me. But only very few are willing to give up their prosperity and riches, to come out of the world and to take their cross. I have set you an example of holy righteousness for the Kingdom of Heaven. Take your cross Did I sit in a house and were waiting for my Father to come to rescue me? Did I pray for the angels to be sent to destroy the enemies? Did I run away from my destiny? Then why are you doing it? Why are praying for a removal from earth when your destiny of my Father is in the place where you are now? Why are you trying to escape your life when I have blessed you with so much more? Take your cross Copy the examples of my first coming, give away your hearts desire and your carnal mind and walk in my power that you received because of my finished ministry on the cross. Do not run away but stand with me and serve the Father as never before. Now is the time to fulfill your destiny and to walk with me where ever I go. Many are called but few a chosen. Do not belong to the group that want to run away instead take your cross, copy my ways, become my images on earth and seek the lost sheep. If you do that you will receive blessings that you cannot imagine. I will give you a Kingdom to posess, thrones to sit on and you will judge the 12 tribes of Israel. Michael Triple Grace

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