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Prophetic Word for the 18th of August 2020

Prophetic Word for the 18th of August 2020 - Do not worry Do not worry in the coming months about what you will see or what your worldly leaders will say. You and I, we will walk in Unity. The two will become one. Your new path is ahead of you. All you need to do is to embrace me and walk with me together into eternity. Heaven and Earth is merging on this new path and nobody will be able to separate us again. Do not worry I have told you about this time and now it has arrived. Focus your mind on my heavenly Kingdom, walk as an image of my son Jesus Christ and listen to the Holy Spirit then nothing can come against you. You are not anymore of this world but you are sons and daughters of me and you blong to my Kingdom. You are my children and I will cover and protect you. Do not worry Nevertheless it is time to show my ways to the world. Now you need to embrace all what you have learned and show your light for all to see. We will walk this path together, the path of the great harvest and the coming of my habitation here on earth. Great and mighty changes are ahead but do not worry because I will be with you always. We have merged together, become one and now we walk in perfect unity. No force can come against us or stop us on our path to eternity. Do not worry about the world or what you will see. Michael Triple Grace

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