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Prophetic Word of the 26th of August 2020

Prophetic Word for the 26th of August 2020 - 8/1 is 7/1 You tried to explain to my children what will happen soon but my time is not your time and so I am telling you that 8/1 is 7/1 and 9/11 is 8/11. My children, adjust your months and timeline. You are one month ahead and now you are not in August but July and so you are running ahead of time. 8/1 is 7/1 My first month from where you should start counting is September and from this month forward you will see many prophecies getting fulfilled. This is also the month of the 40 days of Nineveh where Jonah asked for their repentance. I forgave them because all, from the smallest slave to the King, repented. Will I see such faith in your city or nation? If not then be prepared for judgements falling after the 40 days. 8/1 is 7/1 Do not believe that the prophecies and timelines of my chosen vessels were wrong. But my time is not yours and they were one months ahead. All will unfold starting now with the month of September. Repent so that I can forgive your sins, come out of the World and Babylon and walk through the open door I placed before you. I have not given the words to my prophets in vain but to warn you ahead of time of what will happen now. 8/1 is 7/1. Michael Triple Grace

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