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Prophetic Word for the 29th of August 2020

Prophetic Word for the 29th of August 2020 - I am the light See my light and be drawn to my Kingdom. When I am the light then my true sons and daughter are the light also . The light that will be seen in the nations. To receive my light all you need to do is to focus on my Kingdom and to abide in me. When we have become one then we share the light and all people will see it. I am the light Our light will shine the best in complete darkness and that is the reason why I will send you into the darkest corners and into the dragon layers. There your light will shine like a fire and many people will be drawn to my Kingdom. My ambassadors of heaven are also my light bearers who will walk ahead with the flame of the Kingdom. This flame will ignite a great fire through which the harvest is brought in. I am the light We will unite to be one and I will give you my light right now. Let this light be seen in your neighborhoods and let it shine as never before because the fields are ripe for the harvest. You in me and I in you will produce the light of the Kingdom. I have come to give you this light because I am the light. I have come to ignite you to be my end time apostles and to spread the news about the Kingdom of Heaven into dark places. I have come for you and I will give you my light. Michael Triple Grace

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