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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of September 2020 - Eternity You are standing at the edge of all eternity right now. Walk through the open door into my waiting arms and you will never be lost again. I am taking you to Paradise. My promise for an eternal life is for all those who make my Kingdom their priority. Who have faith in me and my only begotten son Jesus. Who are standing strong for my values and principles and who are bringing in much fruit. Eternity We will be together for all eternity as Father to son or daughter and you will feel no heat anymore, nor thirst or hunger but I will lay your heads next to the quiet waters and will shower you with my love. The door to the Kingdom of Heaven is wide open in these last days and I am calling you all into my Kingdom as true sons and daughters of mine to walk with me as I did with Adam and Eve. Eternity I am merging Heaven and Earth so that I can bless my true and faithful servants and can punish the ones who have willfully turned their back on me. This principle of duality is not understood by many people. Two Kingdoms will arise - Mine heavenly Kingdom and the worldly Kingdom of the Antichrist. They will clash in the battle of eternity so that the separation of the goats from the sheep can take place. My Kingdom will prevail! Walk with me through that open door into all eternity. Michael Triple Grace

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