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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of September 2020 - Changing of times The enemy will change laws and times but only few know that I am going to change time as well. The Kingdom of Light will come from the future to connect with you in your Holy Places. I am coming back to rejoin with my children. I am missing you and so will I bend time to come closer to you. The changing of times is at hand. In my Kingdom and in the Kingdom of darkness. Changing of times I did it in the old times on Mount Sinai, during the burning bush experience with Moses and many times with my prophets and chosen vessels like Abraham or Daniel. A door will open above you and the future will connect with the present. I am coming to walk again in your presence. Do not doubt my words or the words of my prophets. Changing of times My church is sleeping and they will not wake up in time for these revelations. They would reject them anyway because they have placed me for a long time in a box but you my chosen vessels are receiving it like water in a sponge. You are looking forward to all of my coming revelations and you are watching the sky for my return. I am blessing all who keep watching because your redemption is drawing near. Connect with me as never before. I want to walk with you on holy ground. Be ready! Michael Triple Grace

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