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Prophetic Word for the 4th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 4th of September 2020 - My cover I am going to cover all of my true sons and daughters with my powers from up high and I will surround them with a hedge of protection build with myriads of angels. My cover will be available for all who seek my Kingdom alone, for all who walk the new path, for all who establish the Holy Places in the nations and for all who are listening to my voice. My cover This cover is your protection, your bulwark in dangerous times. It will not only protect you from the storms but especially create a safe haven against the attacks of the principalities of the air - Satan and his minions. Under my cover you will have rest and peace to bring in the harvest of the ages. I will feed you there and bless you beyond measure. My cover is your new place where Heaven and Earth will merge. My cover I am gathering my children to the new path where I have set an open door before you so that you can enter the green pasture to reach the quiet waters and there I will walk with you in Unity. All the dwelling places of Zion and her assemblies will be covered to secure them for my great revival and harvest. A cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night will protect them. I am the great I AM. Michael Triple Grace

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