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Prophetic Word for the 5th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 5th of September 2020 - A lost and dying world My beautifully created world is in the process to become lost and dying. I see no more holiness and no more faith. All have walked away from my Kingdom. The arms of Satan are embracing the multitudes and my voices are being silenced or ridiculed. I will not stand this any longer but I will come forth from my throne to retake my creation. A lost and dying world I have prepared extraordinary men and women outside of my so called churches who are willing to be my arrows in this battle. Who are my mighty warriors and who will establish my strongholds, my bulwarks in their neighborhoods. Many of them are still hidden in my womb but soon I will birth them forth for all to see. They will walk in the image of my son Jesus and proclaim my Kingdom as true sons of God. A lost and dying world These are the ones I am sending to help the world to find their way back into my open arms. They will turn the hearts of my children back to the Father. Suddenly I will shoot my arrows into the midst of a lost and dying world and great lights will appear where once gross darkness was. Many of my children will be drawn to that light and will enter my places of safety. I am coming for a lost and dying world! Michael Triple Grace

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