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Prophetic Word for the 7th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 7th of September 2020 - The Crown of Glory I see images on earth about my creation covered with a ring of fire or what you call it a halo. I need to address this. What you try to depict here is the Crown of Glory. It is the perfect connection I hold my chosen vessels in which I have opened a door in heaven to merge with them. An example you see int he scriptures with the fiery tongues and the power the apostles walked in afterwards. The Crown of Glory You make images and paintings with this "Halo" but you do not understand the meaning of it. People with the Crown of Glory are walking as Sons of God on a new level with me. I opened for them the door that only I can move and they walk in a permanent manifestation with me. I am guiding and instructing them on their path and they will serve me in a new beginning. The Crown of Glory I recognize the childlike faith you show through the images of the "Halo" but understand that it is a great honor to wear the Crown of Glory and to have a direct connection with me. Jesus walked the path before you as my obedient son and now I am calling some of you into his image onto the new path to receive this Crown for yourself. I need you for a lost and dying world. Michael Triple Grace

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