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Prophetic Word for the 10th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 10th of September 2020 - Cloud of Secrets I am coming down to you in a cloud of secrets. You will see it as a dark cloud but do not be afraid. My holiness is within and you only see it as darkness because you cannot see into the realm of the Kingdom. I am coming in the cloud to connect with you, to give you revelations and to send you resources and blessings. When Heaven opens and my dark shadow will fall onto you be ready to receive me. Cloud of Secrets I can pull you into the cloud and we can go wherever I wish but you cannot open the door nor enter the cloud on your own. There is a divide in place that you can not cross. However I will open the door for my true sons and daughters and you will see the cloud and shadow coming for you. In this cloud we will become one and I can finally embrace you again as my returned prodigal son or daughter. Cloud of Secrets There are teachings out there about my secret place but they do not come close to the reality that my secret place is the realm of the Kingdom and that you all can have access to it. It requires maturity and great faith to believe that you can walk in the garden of my Kingdom but that is the place where I will call you to. I will open the door and you will see my cloud of secrets coming to cover you. Stand ready to walk with me in the garden of the Kingdom. Michael Triple Grace

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