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Prophetic Word for the 16th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 16th of September 2020 - Kings and Priests Have I not called you forth as Kings and Priests (Rev 1:6)? And if I call you as Kings then you must be Royalty and have a Kingdom. You are called forth as my sons and daughters. The sons of God will be born soon and they will be needed for a lost and dying world. They will serve me as priests in the holy places and I will give them a rod to rule the nations. Kings and Priests You are co-heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven and as such you are citizen of this Kingdom and not only citizen but royalty. I am calling you as Kings and Priests into your destiny. The earth is mine and my creation alone. I am the great I AM and I will give dominion of the earth to my sons and daughters. To the ones who will walk through the door into my Holy Place. Kings and Priests The sons of God know their duty towards me and the Kingdom and they will never stop spreading my heavenly principles to the farthest corners on earth. They will seek and feed my lost sheep. They will be my Ambassadors and my light in all the nations and on all continents as Kings and Priests. Enter your destiny and walk with me as we did in Paradise. You are called to be Kings and Priests. Michael Triple Grace

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