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Prophetic Word for the 3rd of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 3rd of September 2021 - A Dream come true

Many of you had received dreams of harvest work and seeking my lost sheep. These dreams are now being fulfilled. For this purpose I have created a new place for you and this place is called New Zion.

It is not a worldly place but belongs fully to my heavenly Kingdom. Only my chosen vessels with the white token will have access to it. I will bring you into the new place in the twinkling of an eye.

A Dream come true

Your dreams and prayers are coming true in this new time. A time that plays out in the Future Past. Times and Laws are bring changed for different purposes. For my Kingdom it will bring in the harvest of the ages.

But for the enemy it allows him to bind the world into new slavery and into his new place called New Egypt. Times will change once I will open the portal of the Heavens. Stand ready for the change of your life.

A Dream come true

Fulfilled prayers and fulfilled promises will accomplish my work within you. New gifts and mantles are available for all those who seek my Kingdom and its righteousness first and who have volunteered for the harvest work.

This is the moment when I will let your dreams coming to pass. Transformation, translation and rejuvenation will change you for my purpose. To make you my powerful warriors that I will send onto the battle fields. You will take the battle to the gates. A dream come true.


Triple Grace


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