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Prophetic Word for the 10th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 10th of April 2021 - Chosen vessels

You are my chosen vessels, my called forth warrior brides. I love you more than you believe and I will never leave nor forsake you.

I will stand with you always no matter where and when. I have seen your hearts and your faith. You will finish the race strong and will obtain the prize.

Chosen vessels

Now I am calling you into your final purpose. My havresting brides will be sent out into the dark places to set my suffering children free.

They have lost their way, were taken hostage by Satan and have fallen to the world. You need to wake them up and show them again the beauty and glory of my Kingdom.

Chosen vessels

I have appointed you as the ambassadors of Heaven and you will receive the first dominion. A heavenly dominion that will allow you to be the bride and the warrior at the same time. The Remnant Army of Kings and Priests.

My love for you, my chosen vessels, will be seen so very soon. I will take you through time into a new place in which I will bless you beyond measure. I will prepare a table in front of your enemies. Remember always that I love you.


Triple Grace


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