Prophetic Word for the 10th of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 10th of December 2020 - Day of Visitation
Your day of visitation is at hand. Are you ready? Have you separated yourself from the world? Are you willing to serve me as never before? Do you obey my voice?
Only a remnant will serve in my army of righteousness. Only a remnant will prepare the way before my only begotten son Jesus. Only a remnant will be transformed into light.
Day of your visitation
Most of my children are not watching being busy with things of the world. They are not aware that Zion is standing in the clouds. They will miss their day of visitation.
Afterwards they will come running to me but then it is too late and the door is closed. I gave so many warnings and messages through my faithful servants here on earth.
Day of your visitation
As for you, my remnant, it will be a glorious day, a day of rejoicing and celebration when you shed your filthy clothes to receive the garments of light.
The harvesting bride will finally become one with her bridegroom and the true sons of God will be born in one day. Death to the old ways but birth to the new and all in one day as prophesied in my scriptures. Can a Nation be born in one day? (Isaiah 66:8). Your day of visitation is at hand.
Triple Grace