Prophetic Word for the 10th of January 2021

Prophetic Word for the 10th of January 2021 - Your prize
Keep your eyes on the prize and continue to run the race. Do not get sidetracked by the world but stand as closely as possible with me so that I can guide you on the path.
Many are losing sight of their destiny now because they either act in fear or are being distracted by the schemes of the enemy. They will lose their footings and will slip.
Your prize
I warned you that the enemy will do all what he can to stop you from obtaining your prize. He will try to set traps for you through physical or mental attacks, produce anxiety or direct you away from the straight path onto the left or right.
Stay on the narrow and righteous path of glory that I gave you with your eyes fixed on the finishing line and the prize, eternal life. Do not listen to the world or the evil propaganda that is shouted from the rooftops.
Your prize
Your home is paradise and my Kingdom. Nothing in this world matters to you, my children. You are a citizen of heaven and do not belong to the prince of the air. He has no power over you.
Fear is not a word in your vocabulary and fearless you will stand against the evil flood. Fully armored and secured with my heavenly armies will you continue to run the race. Victory and the prize is yours if you stay on the path.
Triple Grace