Prophetic Word for the 10th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 10th of May 2022 - Chosen and separated
You will stand in the nations but chosen and separated for my Kingdom. Spreading the truth for all to hear with a bold voice. Declaring the power and glory of the Kingdom of Heaven.
My ambassadors on earth who belong to my royal household. Who know and understand that they came from Paradise and that they will return to Paradise at the sixth seal on Mount Zion.
Chosen and separated
I have removed you from the worldly path, the broad way and set you on my narrow and righteous path a long time ago. I walked with you and formed you so that you can fulfill your destiny in perfection.
You are called my harvest workers and warriors. Heavenly ordained vessels formed by the Father to run a final race towards the holy mountain and to bring in a multitude clothed in white as harvest.
Chosen and separated
Many of you knew when my mighty hand came to select them. Some still have doubts over their destiny and purpose but in the final holy preparation you will become that vessel that I will put on display for the world to see.
You are almost there and you, as my creation, are now made perfect and complete. So very soon will you see the open portal, the stone throw and you will stand before the Son of Man as ready made brides. You are chosen and separated.
Triple Grace