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Prophetic Word for the 10th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 10th of November 2020 - Are you my warriors?

Are you my warriors? Ready to step out into the battle or are you cowering behind your so called faith, hiding behind your pastors or church leaders? Come out of her and stand for my Kingdom.

I am calling my true warriors right now and I see many still wavering on men's opinion and worldly issues. If you do not position yourself now then the battle will take you down.

Are you my warriors?

The armor of God is my armor and it can not be worn by lukewarm Christians. My armor will only be effective on the body of sold out ones, holy vessels having committed themselves fully to my Kingdom.

This requires to leave the old, to empty yourselves of all what you have learned from the churches and to step on the new level of true sonship with me, your Father.

Are you my warriors?

I see little faith in my churches and I will end that age right now. Come out of her and seek the Kingdom because the Kingdom has come already. Do not remain on the old level as the Pharisee were but listen to my voices who call you into duty, service and destiny.

The battle has begun and the world will change drastically. All what is written will be fulfilled but I have opened a door for you to walk through and to be elevated on the new level of Kingdom warriors. Put on your whole armor, come out of the old and the churches and stand in the army of the Light, the army of my Kingdom of Heaven.


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