Prophetic Word for the 11th of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 11th of April 2022 - I will transform you
I am sending my son Jesus with healing in his wings and you will be transformed into new strength and health. My Glory will overshadow you so that you can walk the new path for my Kingdom.
I am setting you free from the bondage of the world and I will make you strong against any demonic attack. The enemy will have no hold onto you in any form. You have become my powerful warriors.
I will transform you
The enemy must repay everything that he has stolen from you and that includes your health. I will make the crooked path straight and I will move mountains on your behalf. You belong to my royal household.
You will walk in a new season. A season in which you will act so boldly as never before. The enemy has tried to silence you in many ways but my Kingdom can not be defeated. Neither death nor hell will overcome my chosen vessels.
I will transform you
You have gone through the fire but you never gave up on your destiny. You became sick for my name's sake and you kept moving on the narrow and righteous path I should you. You are my true sons and daughters.
Now is the time to receive the reward for all your faithfulness. I am sending my Son with healing in his wings and you will be transformed for my Glory and my Kingdom. Stand ready to receive your reward.
Triple Grace