Prophetic Word for the 11th of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 11th of December 2020 - A new temple
My new temple is standing in the clouds right now. And there you will be transformed into our images to walk as living tabernacles here on earth. Great light will shine from you for all to see.
I am going to bless you as never before so that you can prepare the way before my only son Jesus in the spirit of John, the Baptist and John the Revelator.
A new temple
You will walk through the nations, establishing Holy Places, new assemblies, new movable temples wherever I will send you. A great new revival of faith will follow. Acts 2.0 will be born.
You will be the beacon of light in a world that will fall from darkness to darkness. Upcoming wars, famines and pestilences followed by Death and Hades through the Antichrist. I will make you the rock in the storm.
A new temple
This new temple required complete faith in my messages I brought forth. It required you to volunteer to become my harvest workers and I filled the Ark with many of my powerful warriors. Now you will receive your reward.
You will be my new living temples, my remnant army of Kings and Priests and my 72+ harvest workers that are sent out to save souls and to guide my lost sheep towards Mount Zion. Stand ready for my outpouring during Hanukkah 2020.
Triple Grace