Prophetic Word for the 11th of June 2021

Prophetic Word for the 11th of June 2021 - The time will change
Times and laws will change in a manner as never seen before. The enemy has prepared this for a long time and authority is now given so that scriptures will be fulfilled. Satan is ready to create the new Egypt.
From one moment to another all will change and the world will find themselves in a new reality. A reality that was of the past but is new at the same time. A death and birthday occurring in the same moment.
The time will change
Only a few chosen and separated ones will understand these changes. The majority in the world will stand in perplexity. I have warned my churches that time will be no longer but they have refused to listen to my voice and now they are unprepared.
Unprepared to face the demonic onslaught that is coming onto the earth. Unprepared to find the narrow and righteous path because they are trapped in a new reality and unable to break the prison doors.
The time will change
In this new time there will be much suffering, wars, famine and pestilences. Worldly rulers will enforce laws that will bind whole nations in slavery and freedom will not be found anymore.
But there is hope because I will never leave nor forsake my children and I have prepared a whole army of powerful warriors that I will send into Egypt to break the doors and to set the captives free. You will recognize them by the light that they will shine forth for my heavenly Kingdom. Trust them and follow them out of Egypt towards my holy mountain, towards Mt. Zion.
Triple Grace