Prophetic Word for the 11th of June 2022

Prophetic Word for the 11th of June 2022 - The Portal starts it all
Once I will open the portal in Heaven all will begin. The portal starts it all. The foundation of the earth will be shaken and the waters will roar. The world will stand in perplexity.
My mighty hand will be seen and the stone will be cast. Brace for impact. It is time for me to open the door in Heaven. You were prepared for this moment in time and you need to be the rocks in the storm.
The Portal starts it all
A snare is coming that will catch everyone on the face of the earth and they will not escape. The Heaven will shake and earthquakes will take place in many nations. I am coming onto the earth to judge the wicked.
My chosen vessels however will rejoice because the portal will bring their transformation into new strength and youth to be able to run the final race towards Mount Zion and the rapture of the Church.
The Portal starts it all
Stand ready to see my power and my glory moving on earth. Heaven will merge with the world and the earth will shake violently. My scripture have foretold such events. Now it will come to pass.
The stone of sin will be cast and my only begotten son Jesus will gather the brides. The wedding of Leah is prepared and the guests are invited. Will you be worthy to stand before the Son of Man?
Triple Grace