Prophetic Word for the 11th of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 11th of March 2021 - End of the Tunnel
Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel? This is the light that you were waiting for. "And they will see a great light coming down onto the earth".
Finally! The end of the tunnel. Darkness will see a great light. The bridegroom is standing at the door and the bride has made herself ready.
End of the Tunnel
Seven years of labor are coming to an end and you will receive the reward for your diligent work. You stayed on the path, you watched for his coming and you prepared well.
You waited in eager expectation with a burning heart and with all the love you could bring forth. You are the true bride of my only begotten son.
End of the Tunnel
The many hours in darkness are coming to an end. And what an end it will be. A mega event will take the world by surprise and many will not understand what has happened to them.
For you, the faithful bride, it will be a joyous occasion but for the wicked world a day of doom and disaster. A day of recompense and judgements. My son comes for his bride and the children. See the light at the end of the tunnel.
Triple Grace