Prophetic Word for the 11th of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 11th of November 2021 - Operation Lift Up
It is time for the Operation Lift Up. My angels are standing ready to collect the children and the brides to transport them into their new places. They will not all go to the same place but they will all be in my hands.
This Operation was planed since the beginning of creation and great efforts were made by the angels to seek the ones to be lifted up. They have long lists and the names of the ones who will be transported are written in Heaven.
Operation Lift Up
An angel will come to your door and you will have a short time to get ready. Then he or she will grab you close and the lift up will commence. You will feel the force of gravity on your body until you will leave the world.
It will not be a soft ride for many but the angels will make sure that nothing will harm you. They have a shield to cover you when you are transported through dimensions and times.
Operation Lift Up
Complete the last preparations because when the angel appear in your place then the time has run out. Stand ready at all times to have the angelic visitation when your name will be called.
The Operation Lift Up is going to commence now and myriads of angels are standing ready to visit my chosen vessels and the ones who are worthy to stand before the Son of Man. You will be transported in your new destiny.
Triple Grace