Prophetic Word for the 12th of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 12th of April 2022 - Stand strong
You need to stand strong because this is the darkest time before the dawn. The enemy has planned many things against my children but I will not allow him to succeed in his plans.
My chosen vessels have received the strongest hits from the evil one. Some of them were even taken to the brink of death but I was there to protect them from all evil and wicked forces.
Stand strong
My powerful warriors stand strong and do not give up on your destiny and purpose. I have so much more for you as you can ever imagine. New gifts, resources and mantles as never before.
Continue to walk the path and stand ready to take the battles to the gate of Hell. This is just the beginning of your journey but understand that I will walk with you always until the end of the race.
Stand strong
Keep on moving on the narrow and righteous path for my Glory and for the harvest to come. I am sending you among wolves but no hair will be harmed on your head. My promises will come to pass.
I am sending my heavenly army to be on your side when you face demons and giants. They will assist you as they have assisted David in his fight. Now stand strong for your new life and seek my Kingdom first and foremost.
Triple Grace