Prophetic Word for the 12th of January 2021

Prophetic Word for the 12th of January 2021 - Secrets
My Kingdom is releasing secrets to you in the upcoming days. Secrets of warfare, strategies and game plans. Secrets on how you will win souls and how you can bring in the harvest of the ages.
These secrets are needed to stand against the evil flood. Follow them closely. Prayers and intercession is not enough anymore. My Kingdom plan is needed.
Remember that you are standing against fallen angels and demonic forces beyond your comprehension. Alone you will not be able to overcome them. Even David received my plan when he stood against Goliath.
Listen to the messages I am sending you and work out a plan for the battle and harvest that includes all pattern and revelation that I have provided you with.
When you think that the task ahead is impossible then know that there is a plan for every situation. Seek me and my secrets so that you will be victorious in your harvest.
Use all the resources that you come about. Human and non human. Use them for your advantage to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom and to win souls. Prayers and intercession are not enough. You need to receive and to apply my secrets.
Triple Grace