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Prophetic Word for the 12th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 12th of July 2022 - Transformation

I can see your suffering and your broken bodies. I am not sending weak warriors on the battlefields but I will strengthen you in mind, body and soul. The transformation is coming next.

Strength and youth will be given to you so that you will be able to run the final race towards my holy mountain. It is time for the restoration of your body and health. Healing is on the way.


Your body will be restored to former glory even so you age will remain the same. Through you the glory of my Kingdom will be seen. Do not worry I am not sending you as a broken vessel into your destiny.

Finally you will be able to serve me as you always wanted it. Full of zeal, strength and youth. You will not only walk on the new path but you will run and some of you will run faster as horses. Remember Elijah.


All will be possible and the world will be in awe when I have transformed you into the light. The flash of light will hit you and a new life will begin. I know your sufferings and I am coming to heal you.

The light will shine from your new bodies as Moses face was changed when he came from my holy mountain. Many of my lost sheep will see that light and will seek you to be guided towards Paradise. Transformation is coming.


Triple Grace


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