Prophetic Word for the 12th of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 12th of May 2021 - Times no more
Many of my children are doubting my coming. My return onto the earth. They think that these times are far away. Have they not seen the signs in the sky? In the sun, the moon and the stars?
There will be time no more. I am coming quickly with the rewards for the faithful ones who have watched for my return. I will walk with my harvesting brides for 40 days on the earth.
Times no more
Many of my children who are asleep today will awake to a whole new world. A world that is under the control of Satan and his Antichrist. They will have a rude awakening when they find out that my great rapture of the churches is not yet.
I am coming for my children in the escape of the innocent and for my firstborn bride (Leah) who will go with them. The others will see a great revival and harvest but at the same time also great suffering at the hand of Satan.
Times no more
A time change is at hand. A major event that will place you into a new reality. Your faithfulness determines where you will be lifted to. Into the Hades places of the enemy or into my Kingdom place of blessings.
I have chosen powerful and mighty warriors as my harvest workers who will enter the darkest places to set the captives free. I will give everybody a second change to repent and to walk the narrow and righteous path towards my holy mountain, Mount Zion. There will be time no more.
Triple Grace