Prophetic Word for the 12th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 12th of May 2022 - Time is close
No more time. You are standing at the edge of the new beginning. No matter if you will fulfill your destiny in linear, circular or both times. I will make all things new and that time is now.
I will move you into position after you were transformed by the flash of light that will hit you suddenly. This flash of light will run through the earth once I have opened the portal in Heaven.
Time is close
You must stand ready with your body, soul and mind. Ready to enter the new era of time and space in which you will gather my lost sheep and bring them home. Tell them the truth that I have given you.
This truth will set them free. Free from the bondage to New Egypt and free from the slavery to the enemy. Babylon will fall. Millions of souls need your rescue. They seek the light that you will represent in the nations.
Time is close
You have awoken and are ready to take the battle to the gates of Hell. You are my banner and standard that I am raising against the evil flood and neither Death nor Hades will overcome my Remnant.
It is time to show your true colors. That you belong to me and my Kingdom. A son or a daughter of the Most High separated and prepared for such a time as this to speak forth the truth boldly in the world. Time is close.
Triple Grace