Prophetic Word for the 12th of November 2021

Prophetic Word for the 12th of November 2021 - It will be experienced in the Wind
A mighty wind will blow when the day of the shift will come. My portal is creating the whirlwind that will set you free. Listen to the wind when it will increase in volume.
It will all be experienced in the wind. My angels and my transformation will come in the wind and you will hear my mighty voice thundering in the nations of the earth. Stand ready for the wind.
It will all be experienced in the Wind
The whirlwind will bring the change in times and laws. It will restore my power onto the earth and will activate my powerful warriors for their final race that will end at the base of Mount Zion.
Experience the wind and listen to my voice. I am coming in the clouds to judge the world and to bring justice to the lost souls and the blood that was spilled by this wicked generation.
It will all be experienced in the Wind
The portal will open, the wind will increase, my son will appear to many and my chosen vessels will be transformed into their glory for my Kingdom. The time of the wind of change has come.
Wait for my mighty hand and what I will do when I send my judgements from the heavens. It will impact with the earth and the nations will stand in perplexity. Know and understand it will all be experienced in the wind.
Triple Grace