Prophetic Word for the 13th of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 13th of April 2022 - Fighting the good Fight
I have placed you on many battlefields to fight the good fight. To stand as witnesses and ambassadors for my heavenly Kingdom. To oppose the evil flood and to conquer the darkness.
To fight the good fight means to live the principles of Heaven and to speak forth the truth that I have given you through many revelations. You must do this before Judges and Kings.
Fighting the good Fight
You are called and chosen to stand for my Kingdom in a dark and evil world. To seek the lost sheep and to set them free. Only my truth with allow them to cut the bond with the enemy and to return into my open arms.
Called for such a time as this to fight the good fight. To live my Kingdom in linear and circular time and to follow my instructions to the dot. I will guide you in your battles and my son Jesus will be your Commander in Chief.
Fighting the good Fight
There will be times when you will fight alone and others when I will gather my Remnant Army together for a special task. No matter if alone or with many you will be victorious in all that you will do for my Kingdom.
Neither death nor Hades will overcome my chosen vessels in this season. I will set you free from any temptations so that you can serve me as never before. The transformation will make you so strong that no demon can ever touch you again. You are called to fight the good Fight.
Triple Grace