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Prophetic Word for the 13th of August 2021

Prophetic Word for the 13th of August 2021 - A new atmosphere

You are entering the new era and with it a new atmosphere is being placed over the earth. Many of you can feel it already. The quietness of nature and the silence in heaven. These are the signs of the new atmosphere.

It will usher in the seal tribulations and the last chance for the churches and many of my lost sheep to find their way out of New Egypt and back into my open arms. It will start with 40 days of repentance when my son will walk the earth.

A new atmosphere

I am making all things new and so you will feel the paradigm shift that will allow my powerful warriors to bring in the harvest. The atmosphere is changing towards the coming storm.

My animals feel it as well and many are ordered to retreat deep into the bushes and forests until the time when I call them out to fulfill their part also. Birds will sing less and the sky will become empty.

A new atmosphere

All these are just the beginning of the shift and then suddenly the portal in Heaven will open and my mighty hand will be seen. When all becomes so quiet then know and understand that the hour has come.

Prepare yourself. My Kingdom is returning to the earth and you will see a great move of the heavenly forces. There is silence in Heaven and quietness in the air. My chosen vessels feel it and they know that now it is time to armor up fully and to stand ready to meet the Son of Man.


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