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Prophetic Word for the 13th of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 13th of December 2021 - Making the enemy my footstool

It is time to let my light shine on the earth and to revenge all the blood that was spilled by the enemy and his minions. It is time for justice and judgements to return to the earth.

I am making the enemy my footstool as it is written in the scriptures and the final battles will be fought. The Kingdom of God is coming down onto the earth for a Millennium and an everlasting rule.

Making the enemy my footstool

Stepping on snakes and scorpions, defeating the sons of darkness and securing the victory for the heavenly Kingdom. A new era of time has arrived in which you will walk in the past, present and future at the same time.

My promises and my scriptures will be fulfilled. Now I am asking you to stand with all your strength for my Kingdom not allowing the enemy to take away any of your glory that I have given you.

Making the enemy my footstool

The end times are here in which the mighty battles for my inheritance are fought and you as the co-heirs to my throne are called into the Remnant Army of New Zion and fight next to my heavenly army.

At the end victory is assured and you will be taken into Paradise to be with me for all eternity. The time to make the enemy my footstool has come and you are an important part in such a time as this.


Triple Grace


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