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Prophetic Word for the 13th of January 2021

Prophetic Word for the 13th of January 2021 - Do not sway

I see many of my children following the wrong path, looking for a worldly savior and getting involved with the distractions of the enemy and all what he his planning.

Do not sway from the path. Do not move to the right or the left but stay focused on my Kingdom. The narrow and righteous path will guide you to my holy mountain and into paradise.

Do not sway

Do not falter in your opinions and commitment towards my heavenly Kingdom. Do not stand in perplexity when my hand will finally shake the earth but stay ready and watch the sky.

I am coming now and my angels are ready to take the children out. I am coming as a thief in the night but not for them who are continue to watch for me.

Do not sway

Let worldly matters remain worldly matters. Do not follow them but instead seek my Kingdom above all else. This is the time when you need to stand in your full armor in the upper room together with all of my powerful warriors and harvesting brides.

Walk the narrow path steadily, filled with the Holy Spirit and with the eyes on the prize of eternal life. Do not be guided by religious spirits and do not fight with your brothers or sisters over opinions. Do not sway from the path.


Triple Grace


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