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Prophetic Word for the 13th of July 2021

Prophetic Word for the 13th of July 2021 - Get your House in Order

You have just but a few days. Get your house in order and tie the last loose ends. I am coming through the clouds and my chosen will see me coming. A new era of time will begin with my arrival.

Is there anything that you need to rectify? Have you forgotten to forgive a person? Have you said goodbye to your family and relatives? Only a few more days and then you will be taken into your destiny.

Get your House in Order

I am coming for a prepared bride. A bride that knows my voice and that walks in my ways. A bride that has repented and stays outside of the world separated for their final task that will lead her to Mount Zion.

A warrior bride who is ready to stand in the gap for the lost sheep and who is called as the harvest worker of the Kingdom. A bride in full armor of God but at the same time clothed in the most beautiful wedding dress.

Get your House in Order

The last moments are here to repent, change your ways and to choose life over death. Do not miss the opportunity to come out of the World, Babylon and the Churches. To stand with both feet in my Kingdom.

I am coming for the children and the firstborn bride to take them home and then to walk with my harvesting brides for 40 days. You asked me of the day and hour of my arrival in your prayers. Now the time has come. Get your House in order.


Triple Grace


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