Prophetic Word for the 13th of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 13th of May 2021 - Nothing hidden
Nothing remains hidden any longer. My light will shine into the darkest corners and the plans of the enemy will be shown for all to see. Nothing can and will be hidden any longer.
The enemy thinks that he can walk in his hidden agenda. In secret and dark places to conceal his evil plans. All demonic deeds will be brought to light by my chosen vessels and their Kingdom work.
Nothing hidden
Satan and his minions can't hide from me or escape judgements. I will follow them wherever they will try to escape and my harvest workers will enter their secret places to set the captives free.
Justice will come onto the earth for all the souls and the blood that cry out to me day and night. My revenge is here and nothing can escape it. Every evildoer will be judged according to his deeds.
Nothing hidden
Plans and agendas that were hidden for centuries will come to light now. Finally the world will see how evil their rulers are. In such an environment Satan will use his new weapon to control the earth, the Antichrist.
This new Pharaoh will appear on the scene as the one who will bring order out of chaos but in reality he will be the worst of them all. Do not trust him and do not follow his ways but instead seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness daily. Then everything else will be given to you.
Triple Grace