Prophetic Word for the 14th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 14th of April 2021 - Lights in the Darkness
When darkness falls on the world the few lights will shine even brighter. My son was the Light of this World and now you will follow in his footsteps as his brides.
Light will be seen in places where before only gross darkness was seen. Lights will appear to a lost and fallen generation.
Lights in the Darkness
I have prepared my lights that I will send out into the night so that my lost sheep will be guided to my holy mountain, Mount Zion.
Lights that will bring salvation and freedom to people who dwell in bondage and slavery. Who are subject to the dark ruler of this world.
Lights in the Darkness
I will send my lights even into Hades itself to break the chains of suffering and to set the captives free. The demonic spirits used to darkness will be blinded by my lights.
These lights are not earthly lights but heavenly rays that are covering my harvesting brides wherever they go. New lights will be seen all over the earth.
Triple Grace