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Prophetic Word for the 14th of February 2021

Prophetic Word for the 14th of February 2021 - Spectacle

You will see a mighty spectacle in the sky when my Kingdom will return onto the earth. People will stand in perplexity when I come to rescue the children and the bride.

Signs will be seen in the Sun, the Moon and the Stars and great lights will illuminate the sky all over the world. No astronomer will be able to explain the spectacle in the heavens.


At that moment will my angels be moving quickly through the earth and all who are destined to escape all these things, that will come onto the world, will be harvested.

This is just the beginning of sorrows and the harvesting patterns. The ones who vanish are my First Fruits. A mighty harvest will follow at my holy mountain, Mount Zion.


Rejoice and enjoy the light show when you have made yourself ready to be the Bride of Christ and are counted worthy to be lifted up. At the same time my volunteers, the harvesting portion of the bride, the ones who are called my remnant, will be selected and sealed.

The end times will begin with a mighty spectacle of the Kingdom of God. All eyes will see and none can claim that I came in secret. You have a choice to make. Choose life over death.


Triple Grace


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