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Prophetic Word for the 14th of January 2021

Prophetic Word for the 14th of January 2021 - Coming out of his chamber

Your bridegroom has come out of his chamber and you need to move out now to meet him. The time to take the children out has come. Sudden destruction is around the corner.

Trim you lamps, keep enough oil and do not move away from the narrow and righteous path that leads you to Mount Zion. Stay as close as possible with me and listen to my voice.

Coming out of the chamber

My promises towards my faithful servants will be fulfilled soon. All the stored up blessings are getting released and you will enter your destiny and purpose on earth.

There is no more delay as my angels are preparing to bring judgements down onto the earth. I will divide nations, conquer Kingdoms and take away their peace and safety.

Coming out of the chamber

My children, you are called into a whole new world in which you need to trust me with your mind, heart and soul like children do. Childlike faith is required to walk the new path as my new creation.

Always remember that you do not belong to this world but to my heavenly Kingdom as true sons and daughters and as co-heirs with my son Jesus. He has come out of his chamber. Wake up and go to meet him.


Triple Grace


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