Prophetic Word for the 14th of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 14th of March 2021 - New Season
Your new season is here. The end of the old and a brand new path that will lead you to Mount Zion where I will rapture you into Paradise.
This new season is not only a change in time but also a relocation. I will place you where you need to be to finish your race and to bring in the harvest of the ages.
New Season
Do not be surprised when you will wake up in a whole new world. Nothing will be anymore as it was before and also you will see and remember similarities it will still be different.
Remember that I have chosen you for a specific mission at this time and you knew that a great change was required to bring your destiny to pass.
New Season
Know and understand that when the dust settles after the event and the change, you will be in the perfect spot to start your ministry and your final task before I will take you home.
My ways are perfect and I have created all right at the beginning. Even before I structured the heavens and the earth. Trust that you will be in the right place at the right time. The new season is here.
Triple Grace