Prophetic Word for the 14th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 14th of March 2022 - Do not question your destiny
I see you questioning your destiny. Asking questions and seeking more and more information. I am telling you that you need to rest now. You have received all necessary information for such a time as this.
Now you need to prepare your mind, soul and body for the upcoming transformation. You do this by uniting together in the Remnant Army of New Zion and by seeking my Kingdom first.
Do not question your destiny
You have entered a time period in which doubts are counterproductive. In which you must show childlike faith. It is not much longer and you will be standing before the Son of Man.
My Son Jesus is at your door and so very soon that door will open and you will embrace your Lord and Savior. Stand ready now as his brides and as my powerful warriors who will take the battle to the gates.
Do not question your destiny
There is a lot of confusion in my churches and many of the children mix the truth with doctrines of the enemy. They do not see clearly but let their own wishful thinking guiding them.
I have provided the truth through the Masterpiece of the End Times and my plan will not fail. Do not question your destiny anymore but rejoice that your name is written in the Heavens.
Triple Grace