Prophetic Word for the 14th of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 14th of May 2021 - Travail
My daughter is going into travail. The birth is near. The birth of the sons and daughters of the Most High. The world will travail with the daughter of Zion.
Her children will be my army of righteous harvest workers send out into the fields that are white as snow. They will bring in the harvest of the ages for my holy Kingdom.
The birth starts the period of the threshing floor where the wheat will be changed for the harvest. In this time many will repent and walk the narrow path towards my holy mountain.
They will clean their garments in the blood of the lamb and will come out of the World, Babylon and the Churches. They will recognize my voice and they will awake to their destinies.
Every birth is painful but soon thereafter you will feel great joy. The joy to be part of the heavenly Kingdom and to have come out of bondage and slavery. You will meet me at Mount Zion.
There I will gather the multitude clothed in white to take them home and into eternal life. It will start with travail as for a woman giving birth and it will end with great joy in Paradise.
Triple Grace