Prophetic Word for the 15th of August 2022

Prophetic Word for the 15th of August 2022 - You will know it all
Once the old has come to an end and you have received the mantle of light then you will know it all. All your questions and prayers will be answered because you will walk as my true sons and daughters on earth.
I will ratify your position as an ambassador of the Kingdom of God in the nations. I will put my vessels on display for all to see. My ways will become your ways and we will walk as one.
You will know it all
Once you have entered circular time then the past, present and future will become one and the truth of Heaven, the wisdom of God, will be available to you always. Nothing will be hidden anymore.
You will experience what it means to be part of my royal household. A son of God destined for such a time as this to be my tools of harvest in the world. Spread the knowledge that I have given you.
You will know it all
Walking my ways will allow you to guide the lost sheep home. They will hear my voice when you talk to them and they will see my light from Heaven on your faces. They will be drawn to that light and you will bring in my harvest of the ages.
I will transform you into my powerful warriors who carry the light of the world and who will speak boldly against the lies and deceit of the enemy. My lights in the darkness that will cover the earth. You will know it all!
Triple Grace