Prophetic Word for the 15th of February 2022

Prophetic Word for the 15th of February 2022 - Spiritual Preparations
You have entered your final spiritual preparations that will bring you to the time when my Son will walk the Earth for 40 days and the beginning of the Seal tribulations. I am calling you all into repentance.
Use these 50 + 50 days to reflect about your past especially about the loop times that were revealed to you. Make plans how you can serve me if you return to the past times or to similar dimensions.
Spiritual Preparations
Seek my Kingdom and its righteousness first and repent over the sins of the past. I need new, clean vessels who are the brides of my only begotten son Jesus. Repentance and reflection will be asked from you in this season.
You also need to forgive anyone who has wronged you so that I can also forgive you for that which you have omitted in the past. To serve my Kingdom when you are still living in the world.
Spiritual Preparations
I am calling you into repentance and into the final preparations for your new destiny. Once you have seen the sins of the past you can avoid them in any place that I am sending you into. In either linear or circular time.
Some of you will relive the past as my chosen vessels with great opportunities to save many who were actually lost in the linear time. A second chance with your friends and families. But you need to be spiritually prepared to be my ambassadors in the nations through time and space.
Triple Grace