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Prophetic Word for the 15th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 15th of March 2022 - Find the truth in my Kingdom

Many of my children are seeking the truth in the World and their Churches but you need to come closer to me to find it. The truth can only be found in my heavenly Kingdom and my ways are not your ways yet.

Do not try to understand it all because you lack the complete knowledge but wait for your Lord and Savior to come and then the final answers will be given. No one would believe it even if I would declare it all right now.

Find the truth in my Kingdom

Some of you are prepared for this season and you have received many revelations that will bring you close to the truth of my Kingdom. Hold fast to that which was given to you and use it as a shield and weapon against the evil flood.

I have worked on many vessels for a long time to get you ready for the moment that you will be standing before my Son Jesus. Perfect brides for the great Union between Heaven and Earth.

Find the truth in my Kingdom

Come out of the World, Babylon and the Churches and seek my Kingdom and its righteousness first so that I can add everything else onto you. Knowledge, wisdom, gifts and mantles will be yours when you follow my voice.

The world is fallen to darkness and I need you as the beacons of light in many places to find the lost sheep and to set them free. The truth can only be found in my Kingdom. Listen to my small voice and trust like a child that your destiny is planned perfectly.


Triple Grace


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