Prophetic Word for the 15th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 15th of November 2020 - Count the days
I am so close now, my children. Count the days to your appointment with my Kingdom. The final days of your old life are here. Lift up your head because your redemption is drawing near.
My faithful servants are waiting in eager expectations with palm branches in their hand for my triumphal entry. When the world continues as nothing happened and they marry and getting married then I will come as a thief in the night.
Count the days
I will elevate you to your destiny and onto the level of service for my Kingdom. You are chosen for such a time as this because I have searched your hearts and what I saw made my spirit rejoice.
Faith, devotion, love, will to sacrifice and most important obedience. You followed my voices, listened to my commandments and separated yourself from the old ways.
Count the days
Now you are standing, gathered together in the upper room, gazing to the Heaven, waiting for the door to be opened. I am close and I will open heaven over you and I will shower you with gifts and helpers.
You are my true sons and daughters in which I delight and who please my eyes because you trust me and I have not found guile within you. I will send you the first dominion to take charge over my creation and to stand against the evil flood. Count the days.
Triple Grace